Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Sex and Love and Madness

"The difference between sex and love is that sex relieves tension while love causes it." --Woody Allen

"Sex lies at the root of life, and we can never learn to reverence life until we know how to understand sex" --Havelock Ellis

I've been in such a funk lately, mainly because I am confused by the whole sex and love issue. I've scribbled many pages in my journal about it, of course ending up at least as confused as when I started, though feeling a little better from putting the thoughts down on paper. Here's an excerpt of my journalizing:

"Why can't sex be used to express love without it complicating everything? Why can't we create unity with sex, instead of causing division? Maybe sex is merely physical, not fulfilling but instead causing unnecessary drama. Like the graffiti in the bathroom stall says: "Love Aint F*ck!" Love is something beyond the physical, its the invisible thread that binds all things as One Eternal Whole. Love can be shared in an infinite variety of ways, sex being just one of the them. Sex can be spiritual and gratifying, but only if it is done with the purest intention of showing love to a special person. Any abuse of our sexual nature is contrary to the Law of Love and will only lead to disheartenment, confusion, and misfortune. In other words, sex and love can both be satisfying, but sex is only a beautiful thing when it is shared with Love."

Too confusing. I'm going to give up even thinking about it for now. It's one of those questions that takes a lifetime to answer, or longer.

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