Saturday, March 01, 2008

Ever seen the movie "The Secret"?

This is a quote from William Walker Atkinson's "The Secret of Mental Magic", copyright 1907, A.K.A. MY NEW FAVORITE BOOK. It's the original source material for the movie "The Secret".

I might have to post quotes from this book randomly, just to share the Secret with ya'll. Here's just a little gist:


"DESIRE is the great inciting power of the Mind. Desire is "that which incites to action." And you always act upon the strongest Desire- subject always to the restraining influence of the Reason, and the Restricting or Impelling influence of the WILL. I will tell you more about this wonderful thing, the Will, in a moment or two, but let us know think of DESIRE, for that is the real Emotive-power.

Desire originates in the sub-conscious regions of the mind, and often we can feel her there, before she emerges into consciousness, stirring us up with feelings of vague discontent and unrest. After a bit, gathering enough force, she emerges into the conscious field, and then begins to demand expression. Now remember, that when I say Desire, I mean all kinds of Desire, high and low. Many people think of Desire as only the craving of a low nature, but Desire really means a feeling that WANTS something- and that something may be the very highest aspiration of the human mind.


Now, this Desire in all of its manifestations has a mighty power of Attraction and Influence. It manifests as the Law of Mentative Attraction which is constantly drawing toward us the things we Desire, and also drawing us towards them. Not only is this true on the conscious plane, but even on the sub-conscious. Our desires constitute our Nature, and our Nature is always operating a mighty power of Mentative Attraction.

The trouble with the most of us is that we allow our Desire-Force to be scattered, and diffused, thereby lessening its Attractive Power. It is only when we learn the secret of Concentration and Focussing the Desire-Force by the Will, that we are able to get results above the average. The Will is the director and controller of the Desire-Force, and upon its training and management depends the powerful use of the latter.


Desire-Force not only has its effect upon the person, and others near him, but it may be, and often is, sent for thousands of miles where it affects and influences others, in ways. Desire-Force is the mighty Force which makes many of the forms of Mental Magic possible. It spreads out from the mind of the person, affecting and influencing others even at other parts of the world, if concentrated and directed by the Will. It is a force beside which the X-Ray and Electricity fade into insignificance. It moves not merely blind, lifeless things, but the living minds, thought, emotions, passions and actions of Men. It is the force that rules the world, and its destinies. Like any other great Natural Force it is capable of being used for good or evil. It is neither good nor evil- it is either or both, according to the mind in which it originates."

--Now that is what I call "vital information"! Can you follow it? Let me know if I should share/not share more of this...


Light Weavers said...

amazing...i "desire" more of this.. i liked the secret, but think it is a watered down, toilet read- kinda like "creating for dummies" have been reading some very similar material recently... i will introduce you to Ramtha (if you have not met), if you can help me locate Atinson..

Bold Strokes said...

Ha! The Secret (For Dummies), no doubt! Boooooring.

Will definitely hook you up w/ Atkinson... and i have a Ramtha book, just never read it... not quite on the level yet, or else i've taken an alternate path to the same truths... good shit, indeed..