Monday, February 28, 2005

Fleeting thoughts about the world today

OK, so Love is a trite subject. It's been studied as a mystery probably since the beginning of human consciousness and it's not like I'm going to figure something out that hasn't already been explained. So it's time to move on to something new- the news. That should juxtapose well with the postings on Love.

There's so much going on in the world, where should one begin? We've got gay whores in the White House, pandemics breeding in Vietnam, an Iraq War killing hundreds of innocent civilians a week, a President of the United States who thinks its more important to be macho than it is to tell the truth, and a country half-full of people who are in such a state of denial about government corruption that they have turned their President into a neo-savior. Half of America is in love with Mr. Bush, while the other half (and possibly more) are fed up with his policies and would do anything to see him impeached. You can put me in the latter category, since I have no respect for anyone who would mislead a nation into war and effectively destroy a sovereign nation, just to go down in history as a "war president". Frankly, it's disgusting to me to think that America can "liberate" the world, since it's more of the same Manifest Destiny BS that's been killing innocent people for hundreds of years. Christian Reconstuctionism and Theocratic Dominionism are the new terms for it, and let me tell you it is scary.

What we need is a new way of understanding the world, one that focuses on positive change with healing means, rather than using things like religion, war, and threats to intimidate others into submission. The first step is to learn to do as Jesus said: Love Thy Enemy. Many Christians tend to forget that little suggestion, instead focusing on issues like gay-bashing and abortion...but where are those self-righteous values going to lead us except to more war, hate, and violence? Loving the enemy means being unconditional with humanity, understanding that we are all subject to the law of gravity, we are all affected by our social environment, and we are all capable of overcoming hatred with compassion. But when righteousness gets in the way, there is no understanding, only a my-way-or-the-highway outlook that leads to conflict. In that way, radical fundamentalist Christianity can be at least as dangerous as Rad-fundy Islam. Maybe one day we can all "live and let live", but until then the world is just going to get crazier and crazier...

1 comment:

sonja said...

whew! that is a lot
to think about...

big waves to ya, iz
