Sunday, April 03, 2005

Friction's Release

Journalizm #4221

Life struggles against Death, without rest
Just as Fear tries to steal our breath
But Love conquers all, tiz invincible
Even against the divisive tendencies
Like the war between religious creeds
Proclaiming Righteousness, creating Evil
As a necessary scapegoat for the misunderstood
Matters of life, call them sins of the infidels
Justifying murder of fictional Devils
Who are just that part of us, unaccepted
And essentially rejected by moralist concepts
Whose foundation is mere dogma
Declared infallible, yet probably a phallacy
Perpetuated by the power of the Patriarchy
Holding on to the hierarchy, at any cost
No matter how many lives must be lost
The "Great" War will inevitably be fought
As long as we forget who we are, Just Be-ings
Who live our lives to learn about Love
How to express it and give it meaning
Beyond condemnation and righteous rhetoric
Blame, shame, and a judgmental ethic
We all know love is unconditional, indivisible
So why must we slaughter the innocent?
Pride and defensiveness?
Are we not all human, beings of God's reflection?

Let's all take a moment of Silence, for introspection
And give gratitude for our humble Existence...